Indonesia to Issue Diaspora Card

BeritaDEKHO - The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will issue Indonesian diaspora identity cards in a bid to record their numbers and to map out their areas of potential.

"The Foreign Ministry will issue diaspora cards to compile a database and to map out the areas of potential of the Indonesian diaspora residing across the world," Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno L.P. Marsudi stated here on Wednesday.
According to Marsudi, through the diaspora card due to be issued soon, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will obtain more definite figures on the number of Indonesian diaspora throughout the world.

"The diaspora card will serve as a basis to create a database. We still estimate the number of Indonesian diaspora to be approximately eight million people. By issuing the card, we will get accurate data," Marsudi noted.

She explained that the diaspora identity card is also useful in mapping out the professions in which the Indonesian diaspora are working abroad, so that their areas of potential can be identified.

"We can map out the abilities, skills, and professions of the Indonesian diaspora. By mapping them, we would more likely be able to cooperate with them," the minister affirmed.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is paying attention and is committed to continue working together with the Indonesian diaspora across the world, including through the Indonesian representatives abroad who constantly encourage the Indonesian diaspora to establish close relations.

"It is important for the Indonesian diaspora to come together and discuss various issues related to the interests of Indonesia," Marsudi stated.

The government strongly supports the annual Indonesian Diaspora Congress, which is considered beneficial for the development of Indonesia.

"The congress serves as a platform to connect the diaspora working in various professions and to discuss what the Indonesian diaspora can do for their homeland," she added. (ant)
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