More than 400 Palestinian and Syrian Young Scientists Apply for Arab Space Pioneers

UAE's search for Arab Space Pioneers attracts 37,000 applications

A project to train the brightest minds for the sector was inundated with entries from across the region in the past two weeks

A project to attract the brightest Arab scientists, inventors and researchers to work in the space sector has seen a rush of applications within two weeks.

A total of 37,000 people from the region applied to join Arab Space Pioneers - a three-year intensive training programme based in the Emirates.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, announced the initiative this month as the UAE prepared to launch the Hope probe launch to Mars.

Arab Space Pioneer trainees will work on current space projects with the opportunity to graduate into jobs in a growing space sector.

More applications came from Egypt than any other country, with 19,391 applicants to the website.

That was followed by Iraq (6,447), Algeria (4,836), Morocco (3,107), the UAE (692), Jordan (681), Palestine (422), Syria (406), Tunisia (370) and Saudi Arabia (361).

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