Turkey Tests T625 Domestic Helicopter

BeritaDEKHOTurkey has tested the T625 domestic helicopter, Director General of Turkey’s Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) Ismail Demir tweeted.

Demir noted that the T625 helicopter was fully developed on the basis of domestic technology.

He said that the serial production of this helicopter will start in the future.
The share of domestic production in the Turkish defense industry is 60 percent.

Over the past 16 years, Turkey managed to reduce its dependence on imports of defense products from 80 to 40 percent. The goal of Turkey is to bring the share of production of the national defense industry to at least 80 percent by 2023.

Turkey also exports products of the national defense industry to a number of countries. Presently, the export of Turkish defense products exceeds $160 billion. (source/adm)

Nb. Yuk gabung IICH dan IMECH 
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