Defence: Russia and UAE to Co-Develop 5th-Generation Light Fighter Jet

Tobapos --  Russia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will co-develop a fifth-generation light fighter aircraft, according to Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov, the state-run russian news agency TASS announced on Feb. 2017.
"Today, we have signed an agreement on industrial cooperation in military hardware production. The agreement enables us to pursue a fifth-generation light fighter development program with the Emirates participating," Manturov said at the 13th IDEX international arms show (IDEX 2017).

United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) President Yuri Slyusar has told TASS that the aircraft’s development is at the initial stage.

"The co-development of the fifth-generation light fighter together with the UAE is at the initial stage. At present, we are preparing our proposals for the Emirates. We believe the aircraft will be a success. We are willing to unveil our developments to our [Emirati] colleagues," he said.

According to Slyusar, the Russian participation in the program will be in the form of UAC as prime contractor, Sukhoi Company with its fifth-generation fighter expertise and the MiG Corporation with its expertise in single-engine planes.

Yuri Slyusar stressed that the concept of the new aircraft was subject to working out.

"We have not crafted a concept of the fifth-generation light fighter yet, have not chosen whether it will be single-engine or two-engine. However, the agreement allows starting the work on that," the UAC president added.  (adm/source)
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