Iran Offers Multibillion Dollar Investment Opportunities to Investors from 11 Countries

BeritaDEKHOInvestors from 11 countries are going to attend the second edition of the Technology Investment Meeting (TIM) in Tehran in February 2020. (more)

The meeting, to be held under the auspices of the Iranian Vice Presidency for Science and Technology, will bring investors from 11 countries together in Tehran on February 4-5 as part of a plan to boost the export of Iranian knowledge-based and technological products.

The foreign participants in the TIM 2020, categorized as “angel investors” and “venture capital funds”, will be evaluating the plans and projects based upon the Iranian technologies for possible investment.
The unique opportunities available in Iran, such as the abundant and cost-effective manpower and the economical knowledge-based products, have encouraged the foreign investors to consider the Iranian knowledge-based ecosystem despite the unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

The upcoming meeting will also allow the participants to know about the investment opportunities in the other countries.

The participants in TIM 2020 are going to study the proposals and opportunities for investment in a range of spheres, such as financial technology (fintech), health, tourism, computer games, food industry etc.

The meeting will also include expert panel discussions and workshops, and will present international investment opportunities.

The applicants can visit for more information.

In comments about the upcoming event, director of the National Tech Market Network of the Iranian Vice Presidency for Science and Technology has highlighted the role of venture management in the assessment of the export markets in the other countries, saying, “Every single export opportunity must be considered and scrutinized, and the Iranian expatriates should be asked for help with the export of knowledge-based ideas.”

“The tech market facilities are not confined to the knowledge-based companies, and all technological units not categorized as knowledge-based companies can use those facilities as well,” the director added. (adm)

Nb. Yuk gabung IICH dan IMECH 
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