Indonesia Receives a Further 16 Leopard 2 Tanks

BeritaDEKHO - The Indonesian Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Darat: TNI-AD) has taken delivery of another 16 Leopard 2 RI (Republic of Indonesia) main battle tanks (MBTs).

The vehicles, which are part of a contract for 61 MBTs of the type with Rheinmetall Defence, were unloaded at the Port of Tanjong Priok's vehicle-handling terminal on 28 December, said its operator, PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal, reported.

According to an IHS Jane's report from September 2016, Indonesia had by then taken delivery of 24 Leopard 2 RI MBTs. Unloading of this latest tranche in December brings the number of tanks delivered to 40.

The TNI-AD is expected to receive its final tranche of Leopard 2 RI MBTs by March 2017. (adm)

Nb. Yuk gabung IICH dan IMECH 
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