IICH Officially Launched

BeritaDEKHO - Indonesia-India Corporate House (IICH) is a bilateral trade platform created by Www.beritadekho.com and KBAA (Alumni of Pesantren Al Kautsar Al Akbar, especially those who graduated from India) to encourage Indonesian SMEs to penetrate Indian market and Indian SME to penetrate Indonesian market.

IICH is initiated and founded by BeritaDekho's owner Mr. Julkifli Marbun in Penang, Malaysia, Thursday, 6 October 2016.
Our participants (the IICH Members) are selected class of entrepreneurs and professionals invited to be a part of IICH for various reasons but all directed towards leaping forward to escalate themselves in life whether for career of business.

We strive to develop outstanding companies with international market access and exceptional individuals with educational excellence through our various products. Together as a group, our members form this alliance of captains and brains that could change the landscape of how our generation grow from where we are to where we want to be.  

Potential partners

1. Lapak India
2. BeritaDekho
3. Harian Aceh Indonesia
4. TobaPosCom
5. PT Wisata Dunia
6. Arrazie Group
7. UD Paju Marbun
8. KPB Polticial Consultant

Please submit your companies to redaksi.dekho@gmail.com.

List of Alumni of Pesantren Al Kautsar Al Akbar, Medan, North Sumatra, graduated from India:

1. Nono Astono
2. Khairurozi
3. Kairul Anwar
4. Maulidin Iqbal
5. Julkifli Marbun
6. Sahlan Syuhada
7. Ahmad Sajumaroni
8. Ghozali
9. Mukhlis Zamzami
10. M. Yusuf Marbun
11. Ahmad Fauzan
12. Tarmizi Lubis
13. Asra
14. Ihsan Rangkuti  (adm)
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Berita Dekho (www.beritadekho.com) merupakan media nasional yang pada awalnya didirikan untuk mempromosikan potensi alumni Indonesia yang pernah kuliah dan menimba ilmu di India dan negara-negara Asia Selatan. Lihat info selanjutnya di sini


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