Agus Yudhoyono Makes Jakarta Governor Bid

BeritaDEKHO - The son of former Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Is set to make a bid for Jakarta governor, with his supporters saying he will appeal to the large number of young voters in the capital.

The decision to name Agus Yudhoyono as a candidate for governor of the more than 10 million strong capital was made during a meeting between several political parties at his father's house in Bogor, south of the capital, on Thursday night, quoted from
"The political parties were looking for a candidate who has the potency to win ... and the imagination to develop Jakarta in accordance with our ideology," Benny K. Harman head of the Democratic Party told AAP on Friday.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (who commonly goes by his initials SBY) is the chairman of the Democratic Party.

The position of governor is now held by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, commonly referred to as Ahok, who succeeded President Joko Widodo when he became President in 2014.

The parties are hoping SBY's name and Agus's youth will help him take over the prize political position.

"He's young, most of Jakarta voters are young people. His social imagination, about the city, about the society, about the life, it's different with what we old people (think)," Harman said..

"There's the hope. That's the hope to fulfil the collective dream of young people in Jakarta which is the majority voters."

Harman dismissed concerns he has little experience in government.

Like his father, Agus comes from a military background.

The United Development Party (PPP), the Democratic Party, the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the National Mandate Party (PAN) have supported his candidacy.

Meanwhile the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) - the largest party in the country's parliament - is among four parties who are putting their support behind the current governor Ahok.  (adm)
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